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Showing posts from August, 2021

A Tourist’s Guide To Spaceflight Training

  A Tourist’s Guide To Spaceflight Training Jim Clash Lifestyle I write about culture and adventure sports. Follow Weightless training over Russia.   COURTESY JIM CLASH Since Virgin Galactic’s Sir Richard Branson and’s Jeff Bezos flew to space last month, the topic of how to train for such an experience has become front-and-center. It has been a long time coming, but suborbital space tourism is now a reality. The beauty of waiting more than a decade for my own VG flight is that there’s been plenty of time to train for it. While the training is not required - VG does work into its future astronauts’ program a few days of prep at New Mexico’s Spaceport America prior to the flight - I thought I would design my own regimen to replicate the real experience as best I could. That way when my seat number comes up - I should be on Flight 102, if not sooner - I’ll know what to expect. As I see it, there are three main areas to become familiar with: extreme air speed and altitude, weig

Virgin Galactic selling tickets for space flights – starting at £324,000

  Virgin Galactic selling tickets for space flights – starting at £324,000 Comment 1k SHARES Virgin Galactic has announced it is selling tickets for space rides in 2022 (Virgin) Virgin Galactic  has announced it will reopen ticket sales for anyone that wants to travel into space. Providing they have at least £324,000 ($450,000) which is the starting price for a seat on the suborbital flight. The space-tourism company received approval from the Federal Aviation Administration for a full commercial launch licence in June – paving the way for eager spacefarers to purchase a ride to the stars. And, of course, Virgin Galactic’s founder Sir  Richard Branson  took a much-publicised  flight to the edge of space last month . News, Sport, Showbiz, Celebrities from Metro Pause Next video 0:00   / 0:00 Settings Full-screen Read More Now, tickets are available for single seats as well as multi and full-flight packages, with ‘early hand-raisers’ to be given first priority. Sir Richard’s